HERC Punch passes are a great way for individuals or families to get the most out drop-in classes. When you buy we will put you into our system and all you’ll have to do is show up and let us know you’re using one of your passes for the day. See below to learn more about how it all works.
How It Works
After I Purchase
When you purchase your punch pass we’ll put your name into our system and make you the account admin. The next time you come in, check in at the front desk so we can grab a quick photo, this is how we’ll identify you in the future. That will also be a good time to add anyone else to your account.
Limit of 4 users total per punch pass
You have 90 days from the purchase date to use your punches or they will expire.
The account admin is the only person who can add or remove people from the account.
You have to let us know you are using your punches when you show up for class